Dear Friend and Supporter,
Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners (TCWP) would like to thank you for your support. Contributions from supporters have helped us to implement our mission to protect and restore water quality and habitats of the Tinker’s Creek watershed through community partnerships. Today, we are calling on you to continue your participation in creating a healthy watershed by renewing or becoming a member with TCWP.
Membership dollars help us provide services to watershed communities through:
- Grant writing
- Compliance with stormwater regulations
- Education and outreach on watershed health and protection
- Building community partnerships to preserve and protect natural resources
- Hosting the Ohio Stormwater Conference and the Tinker’s Creek Watershed Festival
TCWP would not be able to offer these and other services without the continued support of dedicated individuals. Annual membership fees are flexible and based on what you are able and willing to donate. To make the largest impact, we suggest a tax-deductible donation of $25 or more.
Becoming a member is simple! You can download the membership brochure and send it in along with a check. Alternatively, you may click on the donation button on the top lefthand corner to pay via credit card. Make sure to put Membership and your email address in the Purpose text box.
With gratitude,
Babette Gowda (Oestreicher)
Tinker’s Creek Watershed Coordinator