Elizabeth (Liz) Myers

Restoration Engineer in Training, EnviroScience, Inc.


Liz Myers holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with a minor in Environmental and Plant Biology from Ohio University, where she is currently wrapping up her masters thesis studying how to turn acid mine drainage into paint pigments. Originally from the hills of southeast Ohio, Liz recently relocated to the northeast Ohio area and joined the Tinkers Creek Watershed Partners to connect with her newfound home’s watershed. Being early-career and having recently started at EnviroScience, Liz hopes to continue to positively impact local streams and wetlands through her work. When Liz isn’t working, she is hiking, foraging, and reading as much as she can (hopefully more fun and less academic papers soon!). 

Dr. Liptak has experience in preparing mitigation plans for many different projects, including wetland creation, restoration, and enhancement, and preparing upland restoration and prairie planting plans.  Dr. Liptak has extensive experience with terrestrial, aquatic, and wetland surveys for transportation projects of all sizes.  He is a pre-qualified consultant certified to complete aquatic and terrestrial ecological surveys, wetland delineations, waterways permitting, and wetland mitigation design for Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) projects.  He is a member of the Society of Wetlands Scientists and the Ecological Society of America, and regularly gives seminars on wetland issues and regulations within Ohio.