Bedford Heights City Transportation Department Project
This project was part of a subgroup of projects funded from the AOC Grant that were not currently within the WAP. It was investigated by Environmental Design Group (EDG). The perennial unnamed tributary to Tinker’s Creek is located east of Interstate 271 and north of Solon Road. The tributary drains into another larger tributary that then drains to the main stem of Tinker’s Creek just south of Solon Road, downstream of stream mile 8. The project starts approximately 320 linear feet (along the channel) from the confluence of this tributary with Tinker’s Creek. The project extends approximately 720 linear feet east along the existing stream channel. The Bedford Heights Waste Water Treatment Plant outfall discharges to this tributary north of Solon Road. The tributary drains approximately 442.4 acres and has approximately 17.4% impervious surfaces (USGS Streamstats). The project restored 700 linear feet of entrenched stream and constructed a ½-acre floodplain wetland. This project significantly reduced sediment and nutrient input into Tinker’s Creek. A portion, about 150 linear feet, of this stream had extremely steep slopes which will require slope stabilization and reforestation. In this area, the stream has historically flooded properties, further exacerbating sediment transport, habitat degradation, and oil/grease runoff from the flooded bus garage.