2018 Dominion Watershed Mini Grant Award: Press Release
Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners was proud recipients of the 2018 Dominion Watershed Mini Grant Award! TCWP received a generous $2,500 grant to purchase supplies needed to continue monitoring the water…
Dominion Watershed Mini Grant Award: Press Release
Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners was recipient of the 2016 Dominion Watershed Mini Grant Awards! TCWP received a generous $1,100 grant to conduct the Streetsboro Tree Steward Event and plant a…
Partnership Helps to Protect Greenspace in Bedford
This project is an example of dedicated property owners and multiple agencies including the City of Bedford, the Cuyahoga Land Bank, Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners (TCWP), and West Creek Conservancy (WCC) working together towards a common goal of greenspace protection for a healthy community and watershed.