Bedford Heights Property Acquisition
A Clean Ohio Fund grant was awarded to the City of Bedford Heights to purchase a 17-acre forested parcel with 850 linear feet of tributary to Tinker’s Creek. The parcel connects to an existing park in the city and could potentially provide additional walking trails. TCWP provided support for the grant application, in particular riparian planting.
TCWP, along with Western Reserve Land Conservancy (WRLC), coordinated a planting event where 500 potted trees and shrubs as well as 400 live stake plants were installed. Over 20 volunteers assisted in the planting event, including volunteers from the City of Bedford Heights, Cleveland Metroparks, and WRLC.
Warrensville Heights Country Lane Project
TCWP submitted a Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Fund application for the purchase of this parcel of land off of Emery Road in Warrensville Heights. The property has 3 acres of emergent and forested wetlands with numerous vernal pools scattered throughout. In addition, the parcels contain 240 linear feet of Hawthorne Creek and 215 linear feet of intermittent headwater stream channel for a total of 455 linear feet of waterways. The remaining acreage contains second growth beech-maple forest and mature red oak-hickory forest. Permanent preservation of these properties and the associated streams and uplands improved downstream waters by capturing sediment, treating runoff, and protecting important habitat for aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Protection of these parcels ensures that the ecological functions provided by the habitats will stay intact and continue to provide beneficial physical, biological, and chemical functions for this watershed.